About 15 years ago, my wife and I were sheltering my nephews and their mother while she went to school and worked nights. The boys were 5 and 7 and many times their mom was not home when bed time rolled around. It was hard for them to deal with their new...
Last Friday Jimmy Carter came to Arizona. About 6 months ago I got a very nice note from him, thanking me for the autographed copy of my book. So I figured I would return the sentiment in person by getting an autographed copy of his latest book. The amazing...
We affectionately call my youngest grand-daughter “Verbal” after the amazing character played by Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects. She is about to be 7 but she has been able to execute a spontaenous stream of conciousness monologue using visual cues...
I love words. I get a real rush out of finding the right words and turning them into a phrase that works in and on my head. I always thought that I should be able to earn a living as a writer. And you know, when I stop to think about it, maybe this computer...