Surveying: the Value

The latest digital trend seems to be the act of  “formallly examining of the particulars of something in order to ascertain condition, character, etc.”  What do you think about …?  What are you eating? Are you going to buy something?  How do you feel...

Audios Amigos

I heard a lot about Woodstock turning 40 this past week.  Three things in particular stand out: 1. It is very likely that if you are under 30 you have no idea what the big deal is. 2. Those who attended the festival and can still remember it, are generally proud they...

Colonel Bogey’s Stuff of Dreams

I have recently been inundated with news and digital communicaes from various sources indicating that that there is too much to do. Just prior to the climatic scene in Bridge on the River Kwai, the commander of the British commandos sent to blow up the bridge, utters...

Where is the Creativity Store?

I know.  I know.  It has been almost a month since last I blogged.  Months are such a flaky way to measure time, let us use Weeks instead.  It has actually been 4 weeks since my last entry. 4 weeks is only a month in February and then we screw that up every 4 years. ...