Yesterday my lunch time search for tubular wisdom landed me on 1954’s Executive Suite. At the end of the movie William Holden’s character makes a speech about pride and purpose as he battles Fredric March’s character who feels the purpose of a...
The phenomena of serendipity cannot be googled or otherwise consciously obtained. You must allow yourself to fall into the cosmic tumblers of the universe and hear the click of enlightenment. Before you decide that this is too heady a subject for you to pursue any...
The official post office was created in 1792 as the Post Office Department (USPOD). It was based on the Constitutional authority empowering Congress “To establish post offices and post roads”. The 1792 law provided for a greatly expanded postal network,...
45 years ago,my professor, spoke of an Economic Strategy put forth by JFK (among others) referred to as “Full Employment, Fiscal Surplus”. In the early 90s, a speech in the movie “Dave” stated that work was “not just about the paycheck,...