The official post office was created in 1792 as the Post Office Department (USPOD). It was based on the Constitutional authority empowering Congress “To establish post offices and post roads“. The 1792 law provided for a greatly expanded postal network, and served editors by charging newspapers an extremely low rate.
The law guaranteed the sanctity of personal correspondence, and provided the entire country with low-cost access to information on public affairs, while establishing a right to personal privacy.
The United States Post Office Department was not just a way to convey packages and correspondence from one place to another,
it was an authoritative branch of the federal government that HAD TO deliver to every citizen regardless of their location, with the authority to protect the privacy of all deliveries as well as pursue and prosecute those who would defraud.
Therefore, rather than close up the U.S. Postal Service in the name of Privatization, I propose we re-instate the cabinet level US-POD in the name of Privacy, as follows:
- The US-POD will be responsible for delivering highest-speed, secure internet connections to EVERY Household.
- The US-POD will be given the authority to pursue, prosecute and organize to prevent fraudulent internet activities.
- The US-POD will provide a secure means of verifying that all absentee votes cast are legitimate and verifiable by each individual citizen.
- The US-POD will establish nationwide redundant networks and systems to ensure neither sabotage nor natural disaster prevents critical information from being delivered.
- The US-POD will still provide for reasonably low cost physical package delivery to any householdIn other words The US-POD will resume its duties relative to establishing Post offices (be they traditional or datacenter) and Post Roads (be they traditional or electronic) and a greatly expanded Postal network be it for physical documents and packages or electronic communications.The time has come for us to recognize that our founding fathers KNEW value of guaranteeing the sanctity of personal correspondence, and providing the entire country with low-cost access to accurate information on public affairs, while maintaining a right to personal privacy.