Our good friend Mr. Webster defines Even as “leaving no balance of debt on either side”.
If we also take his second definition of Breaking “infringing, ignoring, or acting contrary” it would appear that I have acheived balance by acting contrary. Which is what, at least this maverick, is all about.
Ove the past two weeks I had a flurry of activity in e-book downloads and paperback sales. When I looked at the balances in my accounts, I discovered that I had earned more profits on my book than I had spent on formatting, editing, and promoting it.
Having reached this accounting milestone by intentionally pursuing a non-traditional publishing route is very gratifying to me. But I must tell you, that my personal scales are not balanced, instead they remain tipped dramatically in my favor. Finally telling the story after 40 years of thinking about it, the 50 to 1 favorable comment ratio and the number of people who told me “I loved it” and “it was like you were in my head” will forever outweigh the cost in dollars of producing the work.
So now that I have recouped all these costs, will I do it again? Probably not. Will I tell another story? Most definitely! And then another and another, but if you want to read/hear/see them, you’re going to have to embrace these New Media digital technologies, because I intend to contine breaking what most consider even.