I have been working with some great folks at Dog Ear Publishing for the last 2 months. By February I should have my hardcopy book in my hot little hands. I offered to pay them more to get it out by Chrsitmas, but they recognized their limitations and refused the extra money. They preferred to focus on delivering a quality product for ALL of their customers instead of accelerating their pace and overworking their staff. This made me an even more satisfied customer.
As I indicated last week, I have also been pursuing Kindle publication with Amazon. For the most part this too has been a very satisfying experience. Imagine a brand new technology hits the street right before Thanksgiving AND not-yet published Authors, like myself, IMMEDIATELY have access to the tools necessary to e-publish, sell and market our books at the largest online book store in universe. My book was available on Amazon.com 18 hours after I uploaded it. Now, a week later, my book’s description has yet to appear on Amazon, so potential buyers would have to buy it based upon the title and cover image, but hey, it’s still there.
A lot of authors are complaining about the status of their Kindle publications outraged that Amazon is taking almost a WEEK to get everything perfect. Not me, I’m actually quite amazed that Amazon has taken us this far this quickly,
especially during the holiday season!