As we approach the first full year of my Authorian Adventure I am reminded of Officer Jim Malone’s ( Sean Connery) dying words in the Untouchables, “And what are you prepared to do NOW?”
In my story Nature is the adversary, coldly maintaining control by extorting its pound of flesh for every dream we choose to pursue. Bucky Fuller would be my Jim Malone explaining all the details of Nature’s operation and defining success as going home alive when your shift is over.
So here I stand,alive, just one week away from the anniversary of my e-book publication. I look back at all the amazing people I have met, all the friendships rekindled and all the consideration that my story has prompted and I want to do it all over again. But that would not be what I have been prepared to do.
To paraphrase my metaphoric nemesis,
“A man becomes preeminent, he’s expected to have enthusiasms. Enthusiams… What are (yours)? What draws (your) admiration? What is that which gives (you) joy?”
I love to write. but I AM a preeminent Systems Janitor.