There is a veritable plethora of negative energy out there and I have been sorely tempted to succumb. Fortunately, I was able to fend off all such urges by focusing on my tried and true incremental movement technique. As the news of the day began to overwhelm me, I got up off the couch and walked into my Den. There I found some boxes and furniture that had been sitting there, in my way, for over a month. I picked up the first box and put it where it belonged, then the next, and the next. I seemed to draw energy from the now, less cluttered, space. So I rearranged the furniture that I had been dodging on my way in and out of my Den.
The very large TV and aging entertainment center in our basement suddenly called to me. And before I knew what was happening the enormity of the task had been overcome. The items were being sold at our neighborhood garage sale AND we were off to acquire the HD TV that would soon hang on the wall in the void left behind.
Ever more positive flow coursed through my veins as I took on task after task that had languished on my to do list.
While I missed my self imposed Sunday deadline for my Blog Entry and the next Rocky story, the sense of accomplishment and clarity that came from finally getting these many “little things” out of my way far outweighed the idea that I was not doing what I had planned to do.
As we continue to be inundated with “Con” tent ever enticing us to feel depressed, allow that just one very, very small personally positive act will not only bring you to feel impressed, it will, most assuredly, lead you to your real PROtentital.