Last week my eyes opened with the first inspirational moment I have had in the last 4 or 5 months. I immedialety sprang to my keyboard with positive thoughts begging to be unleashed at 4:30AM. But my wordpress Admin login failed to produce its familiar list of options. It seems the latest upgrade was no longer compatible with my underlying database. My momentary panic was eliminated by the obvious presence of 30 months work still being displayed on my site. I just couldn’t add anything new. I dismissed the thought that this was a sign to move on from my committment to protent and instead contacted those wonderful support people at GoDaddy.
“Hmmm…” they said, “Never saw this before. Let me go check with the support team across the hall” While these are not the words I wanted to hear, I remained steadfast in my belief that I had not lost anything, except whatever that inspirational thought was that got me up at this hour. “Okay” they said, “here’s what you need to do…” Within a few hours all was as it should be AND I had made the commitment to backup my wordpress, at least once a week. While none of you may care to look back at my earlier episodes, I find an occasional trip down the road that brought me here to be an excellent form of self-therapy.
So why am I telling you this? Well, the last few months have been as challenging a period for me personally as any period in the last 20 years. All of the thoughts and affirmations that have served me so well in my life, fell short. And Protent? My protent generator just froze up. Even this past week, I was inundated with a series of trivial and ridiculous circumstances that should have easily ended any protential thoughts I had for this blog. Is that the best you can do Life? I am here to tell you, God and Nature that protent isn’t going anywhere it’s just been chillin…