Fahrenheit 11/9 gets a left of Centergrade

One of the few things I remember from my  forced study of Shakespeare in High School and College, was  Comedy vs Tragedy, in comedy the hero wins in tragedy EVERYBODY seems to lose. Fahrenheit 11/9 is a tragedy.  I hate tragedies.  I don’t know why anyone wants...

Native Wisdom

Native: Belonging to a person by birth or to a thing by nature Many moons ago, our people showed us, sometimes, meaningful stories through tubes. Lou Grant came to us every 7 days, in season, to speak out against injustice and to convey understanding. One such story...

Well, this is SO MUCH BETTER than a movie

About a week ago, the front page of Business declared that Marc Lore was in pursuit of Utopia. Then CNN offered this today… It would appear that Mr. Lore is not just Considering SomeplacElse, he is planning to build it! This comes at a time when I am SOOO READY...

Democracy RULES! Abide!

In the past I have occasionally heard bits and pieces of partisan grandstanding on the Senate floor. Sometimes I would express a “Give Em Hell, Harry” but more often I would let an obscenity fly, turn off the TV, and try to calm down. But last night, much...