Sometimes you just have to Laugh

I was going to go to the Microsoft store and pitch my billion dollar idea in their $20,000 contest, but the contest ended yesterday and I just got started on the formal proposal today. But the idea and the motivation to pursue it are now the stuff of my next obsessive...

This Bud’s For YOU

In 1979 I relocated my family from the 3rd “once in a life time blizzard” that engulfed Northwest Indiana to the desert of Arizona, where snow and allergens that thrive in humidity fear to tread. It was a bold move relative to my relatives and most of my...

No…Know…There IS a God

A few months back went to see Eddie Izzard speaking in Mesa, Arizona. I love this guy! It wasn’t really standup. It WAS typical Eddie stream of consciousness delivery in the context of his new book “Believe Me”. As I typically do with Eddie, I...

Look what they done to my site!

So upgrading to WordPress 4.8 was probably not the wisest move on my part. I suppose I could revert, but instead I will take this as a sign my 10 year old imagery is in need of a refresh. I have some new adventures to write about, but I need to adjust the view first....

Hey Jude, Call me…Don

Desperate Times Call for the Saint of Desperate Cases Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La...