I’ll admit it. Shakespeare makes my head spin. To read it is to ache in head as the hammers of a thousand smithies pound the sense of it into that which author may have intended. To hear it is to succumb at once to wicked deafness of babble uttered in tongues... Read More
Out here in the Southwest desert we have a puffed pastry called Sopapilla. Per our friends at Wikipedia (the only large scale NON-PROFIT engine of Information exchange) “It is generally served as a dessert with honey poured between its two... Read More
Last week my wife’s new Kindle Fire arrived. We call her “Easy Reader” because words on a page are more than she can resist. She still insists we subscribe to a Daily Newspaper for her reading comfort, but it is now clear to me, that she has been... Read More
We just got new mobile phones. I still call them mobile phones because to me “Cell” phone conjures up images of Jimmy Cagney talking to his mouth piece thru the glass at Sing Sing. But Mobile Phone is so archaic, heretofore I will use the term... Read More
Two weeks ago my granddaughter completely forgot about her Karate Banquet. So did her mother. 24 hours later tears were shed over the missed opportunity. She so wanted to go back. And, nine and half years into her life she came to the realization that yesterday is... Read More
In the fourth grade, I learned more about what I didn’t know than in any other single year of my educational career. The wit and charm that had served me so well during my first 4 years were no match of the stern gaze of Mrs Maloney. “eGods and little... Read More