
The MEANESS of Production

Means: the medium, method, or instrument used to obtain a result or achieve an end Production: The creation of value Nature’s viral assault on humanity has demonstrated the need for human effort in the creation of value. It has also allowed us to witness how... Read More

Trying not to go Viral

So my daughter-in-law informed us that her pediatric office was running out of disposable masks for patients to use during office visits. We B.L., Melinda and Sammi) researched last night, and today had a video conference with our sewing savant granddaughter, Kirin to... Read More

Serial SurReality

Serial: a story or play appearing in regular installments on television or radio or in a periodical. Surreal: Unearthly, Dreamlike Reality: the state of things as they actually exist I love to play with words, as my family, especially my grandchildren, know all too... Read More

The Phenomena of Living

Serendipity:the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought   I came in from the 100 degree, sun drenched, morning after hefting some fifty retaining wall stones as a part of my back yard remodel. I cleaned up, and stared at the fatigued,... Read More

Sometimes you just have to Laugh

I was going to go to the Microsoft store and pitch my billion dollar idea in their $20,000 contest, but the contest ended yesterday and I just got started on the formal proposal today. But the idea and the motivation to pursue it are now the stuff of my next obsessive... Read More