Taking CreatorFest out of Dire Straits
I went to CreatorFest Orlando, 2024 to listen, to observe, to understand and to convey that knowledge work is generationally agnostic. I heard a LOT of exuberance, a lot of unbridled enthusiasm and, probably, way too much BASS to facilitate the networking that was to take place on day 1.
A i 4 N i? No Way to Know How!

According to IBM Artifical intelligence is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. Having built a highly successful Information Systems career on Richard Feynman’s hypothesis that “Perspective is worth 80 IQ points”,
it would be foolish of me to reject any new perspective on
it would be foolish of me to reject any new perspective on
FINALLY, not at all a Finale
32 months ago I was offered a bonus to forgo my final year of corporate servitude and retire. This was not what I had planned, but then, rarely have my life changing events EVER been “as planned”.
I had almost completed the full remodel of my house in AZ and
I had almost completed the full remodel of my house in AZ and
Fahrenheit 11/9 gets a left of Centergrade
One of the few things I remember from my forced study of Shakespeare in High School and College,
was Comedy vs Tragedy, in comedy the hero wins in tragedy EVERYBODY seems to lose. Fahrenheit 11/9 is a tragedy. I hate tragedies. I don’t know why anyone wants to write and
was Comedy vs Tragedy, in comedy the hero wins in tragedy EVERYBODY seems to lose. Fahrenheit 11/9 is a tragedy. I hate tragedies. I don’t know why anyone wants to write and
Native Wisdom
Native: Belonging to a person by birth or to a thing by nature Many moons ago, our people showed us, sometimes, meaningful stories through tubes. Lou Grant came to us every 7 days, in season, to speak out against injustice and to convey understanding. One such story dealt with
the skywalkers.
the skywalkers.
Democracy RULES! Abide!
In the past I have occasionally heard bits and pieces of partisan grandstanding on the Senate floor. Sometimes I would express a “Give Em Hell, Harry” but more often I would let an obscenity fly, turn off the TV, and try to calm down. But last night, much to my
An Almost Christmas Miracle-Epilogue
Her name was Melinda. Last name unknown. But we talked, laughed, played charades and provided outrageous answers to the pantomimes of others. I found out many things about her in the few hours we spent together but alas a phone number was not among them.
Someone called to her, she
Someone called to her, she
An Almost Christmas Miracle-Act 3
There was something about driving the Tri-State at night in the winter, that kicked up the adrenalin. I had topped off my wiper solution fully cognizant of the coming street crud that would try to coat my windshield in the wake of lumbering 18 wheelers. I danced across the 3
An Almost Christmas Miracle-Act 2
Mom shouted down the hall, “Barry, will you run to Dunkin Donut and get me a coffee?”
“Ok. You want a hot dog from Arman’s?”
“Not today” The overly wholesome food and all you can-drink-milk from the Purdue meal plan left me starved for the real stuff of
Chicago and
“Ok. You want a hot dog from Arman’s?”
“Not today” The overly wholesome food and all you can-drink-milk from the Purdue meal plan left me starved for the real stuff of
Chicago and
An Almost Christmas Miracle-Act 1
50 years ago, I got in my Brother’s car as we embarked on what we were still allowed to call “Christmas” break.
(The semester did not end in those days, we had to return to classes and finals in January.) There was a warmth in my parents house that gave
(The semester did not end in those days, we had to return to classes and finals in January.) There was a warmth in my parents house that gave
The Suite Sound of Soul Purpose
Yesterday my lunch time search for tubular wisdom landed me on 1954’s Executive Suite. At the end of the movie William Holden’s character makes a speech about pride and purpose as he battles Fredric March’s character who feels the purpose of a corporation is to maximize the dividend to the
The phenomena of serendipity cannot be googled or otherwise consciously obtained.
You must allow yourself to fall into the cosmic tumblers of the universe and hear the click of enlightenment. Before you decide that this is too heady a subject for you to pursue any further, realize that I surf,
You must allow yourself to fall into the cosmic tumblers of the universe and hear the click of enlightenment. Before you decide that this is too heady a subject for you to pursue any further, realize that I surf,
US-POD – Ben Franklin’s Information Revolution Solution
The official post office was created in 1792 as the Post Office Department (USPOD). It was based on the Constitutional authority empowering Congress “To establish post offices and post roads“. The 1792 law provided for a greatly expanded postal network, and served editors by charging newspapers an extremely low rate. The law guaranteed the sanctity of
A WORKING society cannot be built on UnEmployment
45 years ago,my professor, spoke of an Economic Strategy put forth by JFK (among others) referred to as “Full Employment, Fiscal Surplus”. In the early 90s, a speech in the movie “Dave” stated that work was “not just about the paycheck, it’s about respect, it’s about looking in the mirror and knowing that
The Republic CAN If we all become Independent!
I was speaking with Architect William McDonough almost 20 years ago and he told me he was about to go to China where they were embarking on a project to build 20 ultramodern cities the size of New York in the next 20 years. In 1975 roughly 18% lived in
Patriot: a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors Attention Protesters claiming to be patriots: “We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all (men) are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent
Since this Economy was forced to CLOSE, Let’s OPEN a Better One.
Economy: 1. the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. 2. careful management of available resources Social: needing companionship and therefore best suited to living in communities Pandemic: an epidemic of disease that has
The MEANESS of Production
Means: the medium, method, or instrument used to obtain a result or achieve an end Production: The creation of value Nature’s viral assault on humanity has demonstrated the need for human effort in the creation of value. It has also allowed us to witness how some humans truly devalue other
Trying not to go Viral
So my daughter-in-law informed us that her pediatric office was running out of disposable masks for patients to use during office visits. We B.L., Melinda and Sammi) researched last night, and today had a video conference with our sewing savant granddaughter, Kirin to discuss design principles, and then started prototyping
Serial SurReality
Serial: a story or play appearing in regular installments on television or radio or in a periodical. Surreal: Unearthly, Dreamlike Reality: the state of things as they actually exist I love to play with words, as my family, especially my grandchildren, know all too well. I see that it
The Phenomena of Living
Serendipity:the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought I came in from the 100 degree, sun drenched, morning after hefting some fifty retaining wall stones as a part of my back yard remodel. I cleaned up, and stared at the fatigued, yet somewhat invigorated, gray