On Saturday, June 15th (National Smiles Day) Contagious Optimism was officially “released” by Viva Editions. I am proud to be listed as 1 of 100+ “co-authors” in this 1st volume and I urge you to not just buy/read the book, but to contemplate...
There’s the old line about being so poor you can’t even afford to pay attention. There’s Mr. Miyagi imploring Daniel-san to “Focus”. For those of you looking for a more recent reference, there’s the Psyche TV series where Shawn...
Our good friend Mr. Webster defines Even as “leaving no balance of debt on either side”. If we also take his second definition of Breaking “infringing, ignoring, or acting contrary” it would appear that I have acheived balance by acting...
This week San Diego will host some 125,000 people attending, Comic Con 2008. No one seems to mind that the politically correct term is now Graphic Novel. But then Graphic Con does not connote the real sense of whimsy that surrounds this event. On the other hand this...
Several months ago, I signed books at the Fountain Hills Book Festival in Arizona. I arrived about a half hour before the event began and witnessed dozens of people already forming a line in anticpation of Joe Gargiola’s arrival. So it came as no surprise to me...