Before I explain today’s title, let me first wish you all a safe and happy Cinco De Mayo. Cinco is a pivotal point in Considering SomeplacElse AND “American” history. So, we are going to celebrate by offering you a discount on the paperback AND a...
Aristotle walks up to Plato and says, “Teach me the law”. Plato says “1 million drachmas”. Aristotle replies “I haven’t got any money” Plato says “Okay, I’ll teach you the law and if you lose your first case, you...
In honor of Earth Day I will send a free copy of Ed Begley’s book Living Like Ed as seen on his site to the first 10 4 people that send me an email requesting it. Sorry, they’re all gone. Subscribe to my email list for a chance to get...
I’m not sure what the suits from NAB were expecting when they brought in Tim Robbins as the keynote speaker, but I’m glad they did. I was surprised when Mr. Robbins walked out in a suit, but I was delighted when he said “I have a speech, but I...
I’m late. I know it. On Sunday I was playing a hot roulette wheel into the wee hours and I decided to dream about gambling for a living, instead of writing my weekly entry. Monday was the first day of the National Association of Braodcasters convention and I...