A mere 40,000?

As I mentioned 2 weeks ago, November 3rd marked the 1st anniversary of my ebook publication. I was hoping to hit 40K downloads, but fell just 263 digital expressions of interest short. However when you combine this with ear book, hardcopy, and the 1 or 2 kindle and...

Untouchable or just not from Chicago?

As we approach the first full year of my Authorian Adventure I am reminded of Officer Jim Malone’s ( Sean Connery) dying words in the Untouchables, “And what are you prepared to do NOW?” In my story Nature is the adversary, coldly maintaining control...

Face Off Space Out

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of listening to a presentation on the Milennial generation.  This is essentially anyone born after 1982.  They have also been called Generation Y but Millenial seems to be the politically correct term these days.  The 24 year old...

Spending Time?

There are over 7 billion people in this world and I would venture to say at least half of them have an opinion on how you should spend your money.  I wonder, though, how many of them have an opinion on how you should spend your time.  Everyone gets roughly 24 hours of...

Thinking about Juke Box Jumpin?

For me, the single most amazing and influential man-made system I have ever seen is the Juke Box.  A robotic arm moves silently to the selected disc, extracts it from it’s vertical storage position, places it horizontally on a turn table and then perfectly...