Bloggers have all been asked to address Human Rights on May 15th, 2008. I am complying.
There are countless blogs and websites that will define, much better than I ever could the plight of too many humans around the world. So I encourage you to raise your level of awareness today, as I intend to do.
But, in keeping with the wordsmithing cornerstone of this BLLOG I would like to define just what these human rights are that we humans are to write about.
Human is defined as “consisting of people”. Okay, I was expecting something more scientific, but lets accept that for now.
Right is defined as “in accordance with what is good, proper, or just”.
So human rights would be “what people determine is good, proper or just”.
That’s not real specific. I’m going to dig deeper.
The United Nations defines Human Rights as:
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”
Interesting, but not really a true statement. “Should be” born free and equal would be more accurate but I guess the point they are trying to make by using the word “are” is that no matter what the people of their country have determined is good, proper and just…they are to be treated as free and equal.
The legal definition is of a right is:
“the legal or moral entitlement to do or refrain from doing something, or to obtain or refrain from obtaining an action, thing or recognition in civil society”
No wonder people hate lawyers.
One last definiton:
“A natural right is the concept of a universal right inherent in the nature of living beings, one that is not contingent upon manmade laws or beliefs”
Now here’s something I can relate to. Humans MUST NOT define these things we call human rights they must live in accordance with what is NATURALLY good, proper, and just.
Of course, to paraphrase Dr Praetorius in People Will Talk “if old Mother Nature had her way there wouldn’t be a human being left on the planet”…Can that be right?
If not, what is right for ALL humans?