Yesterday I saw Ed Begley Jr on the CBS Sunday Morning Show. The story was about his commitment to being environmentally concious, but he had a quote from his Father that I though would be motivational, regardless of your natural awareness.
His Father told him,
“Don’t tell me what you’re going to do, tell me what you’ve done”.
So let me tell you what I have been doing for the last week or so:
1. WordPress WordCamp followup: I have sent followup emails to most of the Worpress contacts I acquired during the August 16th conference. I am asking them for more information on things like optimizing blogs for Search Engines, Setting up a WordCamp in Phoenix and various “plugin” features that can be easily added to our wordpress blogs.
2. Wiki research: Wiki is Hawaiian for “quick”. In internet parlance Wiki has come to represent a quick way to set up a website that can be enhanced, amended and expanded by any user that happens to have something to contribute to the subject. WikiPedia is the most notable example but check out Wookieepedia for a lesser known use of this collaborative approach to gathering and conveying information. This week I began work on changing into a wiki. What better way to create a truly Utopian community than to have everyone contribute? It’s not quite ready to be unveiled so staty tuned.
3. 3D ebooks: One of my readers has been having trouble getting their DNAML 3D ebook set up on sharewareebooks. When I investigated, I found that DNAML has decided to release a whole new business model with “better and easier to deploy Digital Rights Management”. The original release date was early August, which was changed to August 18th, and is now August 30th. While I applaud them for their efforts to make things better, those who have been trying to implement under the old model for the past several weeks are having a heck of a time. I have found hardcopy of my original instructions from last November, so if you need some guidance, I think I can help.
4. Citizen Char : The individual who inspired the Charlene Davis character in Considering SomeplacElse sent me an email a few weeks back asking if she could write a blog using Charlene’s name. The real Char was very much taken with the heroic deeds of the fictionalized Char and wanted to see if her exotic dancer life could begin to imitate art. So not only did I give my permission, I set her up with a wordpress blog. She hasn’t posted for a week or so, but she is in Denver right now, getting ready to cover the Democratic convention. So take a look!
5. PFTF: There won’t be a link until I get the SomplacElse wiki done, but I did complete the script for the pilot episode of Podcasts From the Future. The story takes place in the year 2020 and features a lone video podcaster trying to decide whether to trust the government and move to a land of plenty or to stick it out and deal with massive shortages of food, water and energy.
So that was my week. How you “doin”?