In physics, a force is said to do work when acting on a body there is a displacement of the point of application in the direction of the force.
In thermodynamics, work performed by a system is the energy transferred by the system to another that is accounted for by changes in the external generalized mechanical constraints on the system.
In Webster:
activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something:
a : sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result
b : the labor, task, or duty that is one’s accustomed means of livelihood
c : a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity
In Dobie Gillis:
That to which Maynard G Krebs was averse.
I responded to a query on LinkedIn: “What are you working on?”
“The script for the movie version of my novel, an application that could change the Service Delivery paradigm of large organizations, a website that COULD move political power into the hands of the many, revitalizing my blog, a website to collect laughter, and a set of software tools to improve our ability to design solutions.”
I could have easily added more, but I realized that, these are really the things that I would like to work on; the stuff of displacement in the direction of force, and Webster’s B and C definitions. In reality my current “work” seems to be dominated by energy transfer. At times, especially when interacting on Facebook or LinkedIn this can appear to be the kind of Krebsian anti-work portrayed in the video clip but the online energy transfer that evokes the generalized smile, the occasional guffaw or the firing of an “I never thought of it that way” synapse, seems to achieve a desirable objective.
While, this latter energy transfer is not the stuff that pays the bills, I am a firm believer in Bucky Fuller’s “If you do what Nature intended for you to do, Nature provides”.
Therefore, in what I perceive as the behest of Nature, I am taking a sabbatical from interrupt driven online interaction and transferring most of my energy to the stuff that has the potential of evoking the generalized smile, the occasional guffaw and firing the “I never thought of it that way” synapse, in our very unnatural, very constrained systems.
It’s a work in progress.
I am sure you will all let me know if it is actually working.