Perhaps it is the trifecta of Birthday, Christmas and New Years finishing, for the 58th time, 1-2-3 in this nine day stretch. Perhaps it is the depth of familial tragedy endured and survived during 2010. Perhaps it is the laughter and joy found in old acquaintances NOT forgot and brought to mind after some 40 years. Perhaps it is the rush of still being able to build, without apprentice, software solutions “the kids” viewed as impossible but now view as sorcery. Perhaps it is the growing number of invitations to share the secrets of my success that persist, despite my being a terrible role model for capitalism. Perhaps it is my belief that, sports metaphors aside, by definition, we cannot and we do not “control our own destiny”.
We are, for the most part, free to choose the path we take and the directions we turn, but we are, individually, bound to certain arrivals.
Yet still…
I wonder why them and not me. I also wonder why me and not them.
I wonder why then and not now. I wonder why now and not then. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
I wonder why we are permitted to waste so much time and energy. I wonder why we allow ourselves to waste so much time and energy.
I wonder where I am going. I wonder at how I got here.
Yes, even without a Clarence to guide us, life is full of wonder.
May your wonders never cease.