The word “mote” (ya, it’s really a word) is defined as a very small particle, a speck.
If I think about it, and maybe I shouldn’t, my book is a mere mote, floating out there amongst the billions and billions of published words, sounds and images.
Some of you may find this discouraging, but I don’t. I find this one of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of being a self published author. How can I, a writer without the backing of some huge publishing conglomerate, manage to get more than a hundred or so people to notice, read and maybe even buy my book?
As most of you know, I managed to get 20,000+ people to notice and download my e-book in it’s first 4 months on the market. The problem is, while I have some theories about how this happened, now that this activity seems to have peaked, I’m not sure how to get copies of my paperback moving in the marketplace. After reviewing a lot of material on book marketing, and there are plenty of people out there ready to tell you how to do it, I fell back on an old anxiom from my college Economics professor:
“It’s not profitable for the best lawyer in town to do his own typing”
In other words, I could embark on my own trial and error, self taught, marketing plan or I could find somebody who has studied, practiced and knows how to do this better and faster than I. I want a Pro for my mote. An expert that will get my little speck moving into the right places at the right times. Something I don’t have the time, skill or understanding to accomplish on my own.
After looking at several public relations firms, for evidence of genuine ProMotion, I have selected Author Marketing Experts headed by Ms. Penny Sansevieri. Penny and her team have recognized the futility of relying solely on traditional broadcast and print media for generating activity in the marketplace. Instead they have placed their emphasis on bouncing particulars about me and my book around the information super highway until the consumers that want and need to notice my mote can’t help but see it.
Of course, getting seen does not necessarily translate into a sale, but if the work is good enough, it could. And, when you consider what we are up against in this marketplace, just pushing a speck into a readily detectable position is really all we can ask of a Pro-motor.
Technorati Tags:
Book Promotion, B.L. Lindstrom, Marketing