Using the mathematical rather than the political definition of radical, we discover that my “extended period of leave from one’s customary work” appears to have been in pursuit ” of the root or origin”. Put another way by Inigo Montoya in the Princess Bride, “…Go Back to the Beginning…”. Over the last several months I have been on a quest to find the foundational elements upon which my tommorrows need to be built. This time of alleged “rest and reflection” has yet to produce a singular “Aha” moment, and has instead been frought with various challenges that do not seem to provide any specific resources for buiding anything.
Now comes the dreaded “Return” word, implying I have to “get back to work”. And maybe, like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory I merely need to set about doing the day to day until enlightening strikes. Or maybe I am very close and in the remaining moments of this leave, some unanticipated fireworks will provide the spark and I will Re-turn the page and embark on my next adventure. Hmmm…Princess Bride just came on the TV