You know this monthly episode thing is just not working out.  While it’s true, it has given me the time to author thousands of digital objects for my day job. Those objects will only be read by computers, and they never write back unless there is an error.  Additionally, I have discovered and resolved countless problems in coding my software, but there is really no one around that understands the wicked cleverosity of my solutions.  So I am coming back to my BLOG, where there are, at least, a few humans who will, at least, read what I write.

Top 5 Holiday questions posed to the Authorian Adventurer:

5. “Should I get an ereader(Kindle,etc) for my…”  IF the recipient of this gift is profoundly gadgetized and money is no object…NO…$300 will get you a “netBook” computer that can display ebooks and allow users to watch the movie version as well as send emails to their friends telling them how great the book/movie was or wasn’t.

4. “What do I get the person who wants peace on earth?”  Anything by, about, or associated with Buckminster Fuller.  BF was the first true EBF and unfortunately it is taking FOREVER for the rest of society to get as truly friendly with Mother Earth as Bucky was 50 years ago!

3. “Should I get twitter-pated?”  Text Paging was dead 10 years ago wasn’t it?  The ability to send or receive 130 character phrases about the cheese sandwich Ashton Kutcher just ate should be of no interest to ANYONE.

2. “What is the next big thing in digital publishing?”  I know what it should be,  eStimulation of the Brain.  The idea that we would start communicating meaningful, substantive words, thoughts and images that will bring about peace on earth and good will toward ALL.

1. “When will we see the sequel to Considering SomeplacElse?”  Well, the title was actually  “B.L. Lindstrom’s Considering SomeplacElse”, so as soon as item 2 catches on, I’m sure there will be a lot of people Considering Someplace Else and writing about it.  Of course asked about the status of  Considering SomeplacElse: the movie…